Series of physical-technical & mathematics science

Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

ISSN: 2706-7726 print | ISSN: 2706-7734 online

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Volume 20 (2000)


Aliyev M.J.
Abstract [PDF]
On Lp solvability in weighted spaces of the first boundary value problem for the Laplace equation in a domain with a conic point on the boundary. [PDF]
Amirov R.Kh.
Abstract [PDF]
Inverse problem for the Sturm-Liouville operator according to a spectrum and normalizing. [PDF]
Amirova L.I.
Abstract [PDF]
On the completeness of a part of eigen and adjoint vectors of a second order operator boundless class [PDF]
Aslanova N.M.
Abstract [PDF]
Ibe stability of the inverse problem of the scattering theory for non-self-adjoint operator [PDF]
Bandaliev R.A.
Abstract [PDF]
Imbedding theorems for anisotropic Banach-valued Sobolev spaces [PDF]
Gadjiev T.S., Aliyev S.Y.
Abstract [PDF]
On the behavior of solutions of non-linear parabolic equations in non-regular domains [PDF]
Gadjieva E.A., Gasanova T.Kh.
Abstract [PDF]
Approximation by two dimensional Bernstein-Chlodowsky polynomials in triangle with mobile boundary. [PDF]
Gadziyev A.I.
Abstract [PDF]
On fractional maximal functions and fractional integrals, generated by Bessel differential operators [PDF]
Garakhanova N.N.
Abstract [PDF]
The boundedness of Вкя maximal functions in spaces Ly’p” \Rk + j. [PDF]
Gulmamedov V.R..
Abstract [PDF]
On some properties of boundary value problems for operator-differential equations on semi-axis. [PDF]
Ibadov N.V.
Abstract [PDF]
Convolution equations in spaces of functions of given increase near the boundary, II. Countable systems of inhomogeneous convolution equations. [PDF]
IPyasov N.A.
Abstract [PDF]
On approximation of multivariable periodic functions in the Я^т[й)]
spaces. [PDF]
Abstract [PDF]
The inverse scattering problem on a semi-axis for first order ordinary differential equations system. [PDF]
Ismailov M.I.
Abstract [PDF]
The inverse scattering problem for the first order symmetric hyperbolic equations system on the whole axis. [PDF]
Karatash H., lsmailov Z.
Abstract [PDF]
On a class of first order normal differential operators. [PDF]
Khankishiyev Z.F.
Abstract [PDF]
The solution of one difference problem for the equation of vibration of a stick with the separated variables method. [PDF]
Khanmamedov Ag.Kh.
Abstract [PDF]
On the theory of inverse scattering problems for a system of’difference equations.[PDF]
Mamedov l.T.
Abstract [PDF]
Strong solvability of the Dirichlet problem fornon-uniformly degenerate second order elliptic equations. [PDF]
Mukhtarov O.Sh., Kandemir Mustafa.
Abstract [PDF]
Asymptotic behavior of eigenvalues for the discontinuous problem with functionals in the boundary conditions. [PDF]
Mushlagov F.M.
Abstract [PDF]
Regularity of boundary points with respect to the first boundary value problem for degenerate parabolic equations. [PDF]
Novruzov E.B.
Abstract [PDF]
On properties of the solution of one non-linear parabolic equation. [PDF]
Salimov A.A., Magden A.
Abstract [PDF]
Horizontal lifts of tensor fields of type (1,1). [PDF]
МАП Sarigol, Jafarov S.Z.
Abstract [PDF]
Approximation classes of functions on R and И type continuums. [PDF]
Vahabov N.G.
Abstract [PDF]
The localization of spectrum and its application. [PDF]
Yagubova Kh.V.
Abstract [PDF]
On properties of the solution of one non-linear parabolic equation. [PDF]
Abdullayeva J.N.
Abstract [PDF]
The lorsional vibrations of a non-linear bioelastic round bar [PDF]
Kerimov Z.G., Fataliyev V.M.
Abstract [PDF]
Dynamics of planetary reductor [PDF]
Akbarov S.D., Soltanova S.M.
Abstract [PDF]
On determination of stress condition in the infinite anisotrop body
containing two neighbouring periodically curved fibers [PDF]
Kerimov M.Z., Huseynov M.A.
Abstract [PDF]
Software engineering for setting conditions of gas-lift well operation [PDF]
Salyamova K.D., Khusanov B.E.
Abstract [PDF]
Electrokinetic effects in porous media as charge interaction display [PDF]
Tagiyev R.K.
Abstract [PDF]
On optimal control of the coefficients of the parabolic equation [PDF]
Babaev Melik-Bakhysh Ali-Ikram oglu [PDF]
Guseynov RaufVeli ogiu Mamedkhanov [PDF]
Jaraal Islam oglu [PDF]