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Archive | Volume 41 (2021), Issue 8

Volume 41 (2021), Issue 8

  1. Straın-deformatıon state of vıscous-elastıc fluids takıng ınto account temperature and nanopartıcles
    by Mamed S. Aslanov…………………………………………………………………………………………….7
  2. The influence of the inhomogeneous initial thermo-stresses in the hollow cylinder on the dispersion of the torsional waves propagated in this cylinder
    by Emin T. Bagirov…………………………….…………………………………………………………...…...3
  3. Analysis of an axially-symmetric problem of elasticity theory for a radially inhomogeneous sphere under mixed boundary conditions on lateral surfaces
    by Natavan S. Hasanova..........................................................................................14
  4. Analysis of an axially-symmetric problem of elasticity theory for a radially inhomogeneous cylinder of small thickness under mixed boundary conditions on lateral surfaces
    by Jalala C. Ismayilova……………………………………………………………………………………… 23
  5. Development of approximate methods for determination of stability in displaced and displacing systems with different rheophysical properties
    by Ibrahim J. Mamedov...........................................................................................36
  6. On solving the problem of propagation of unsteady waves in limited areas
    by Mubariz B. Rasulov and Gulnar R. Mirzoeva…………………………………………………48
  7. Some features of identification modeling of oil and gas displacement
    by Rakiz M. Sattarov…….…………………………………………………………………………………...53
  8. Magomed Mekhtiev – 80…………………………………………………………………………………...57